704-399-4248 sales@sethermal.com

Heat Exchangers


Immersion plates come in a variety of different configurations and sizes. Direct replacement options are available for all major brands.


Plate banks are integrated assemblies which combine a given number of plates into one singular unit. Generally, all of the plates in a bank assembly are connected to common supply and return header.


Integral inflated tank jackets are an easy way to enhance any new vessel construction, while significantly reducing fabrication time and cost in comparison to preformed dimple style jackets.


Clamp-on plates are a simple cost-effective solution to add external heating or cooling to an existing tank or surface. Special mounting hardware makes installation easy.


Our engineers  are prepared to assist you with the knowledge and experience to properly design a pillow plate heat exchanger for your unique application.


Pillow plates surfaces are a fully welded and inflated type heat exchangers that are manufactured by stacking two flat sheets of material and fuse welding them together with a strategically positioned welding pattern.

A typical welding pattern comprises of an outer seam weld defining the total pressure boundary of the plate and then an interior circle weld pattern specifically configured for the service type and performance requirements for a given application.

Once the welding is complete, the pillow plate will then be expanded by pressurizing the space between the two sheets. As pressure is increased, the gap between the unsupported portions of the plates will increase, creating the identifying “pillow” shaping of the plate.

Need a custom design? 

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Power Flow Rate Temp Calculator

Calculate the electrical power, flow rate or temperature requirement.
airflow in standard cubic feet per minute
temperature rise in degrees F from the inlet to the exhaust
Watts = SCFM x ΔT/2.5

Temperature Conversion Calculator

Calculate the electrical power, flow rate or temperature requirement.
°F = ((( °C * 9) / 5 ) + 32)
°C = ((( °F - 32) * 5 ) / 9)

Three-Phase Unit Calculator

Fill in two values to find the 3rd.
W = LC * (V * √2)
V = (W / LC) / √2
LC = W / (V * √2)

Single Phase Unit Calculator

Fill in two values to find the 3rd.
W = LC * V
V = LC * W
LC = W / V

Ohms Law Calculator

Fill in two values to find the other two.

O = V / A

O = V² / W

O = W / A²

V = A * O = A * (V/A)

V = √(W * O)

V = W / A

A = V / O

A = W/ V

A = √(W / O)

W = A * V

W = V² / O

W = A² * O

Heat Transfer Through Convection Calculator

ρ = density (lb/ft3)

V = volume flow rate (ft3/hour)

Cp = specific heat (Btu/lb°F)

Ta-Tb = temperature differential (°F)

Q = ρ x V x Cp x (Ta-Tb)

Fill in four values

ρ = density (lb/ft3)
V = volume flow rate (ft3/hour)
Cp = specific heat (Btu/lb°F)
Ta-Tb = TD (°F)
Q = ρ x V x Cp x (Ta-Tb)


ACFM = airflow in actual cubic feet per minute

P = gage pressure (psi)

T = gas temperature °R = 460 + °F

SCFM = airflow in standard cubic feet per minute

Find Standard Cubic Feet per Minute based on data from your Actual Cubic Feet per Minute Rotameter

airflow in actual cubic feet per minute
gage pressure (psi)
gas temperature °R = 460 + °F
airflow in standard cubic feet per minute

Standard Flow Rate (SCFM) Calculator

Calculate the SCFM.
Actual cubic feet per minute
Actual pounds per square inch at Gauge
Actual temperature in °F. °R = 460 + °F
CFM * (PSI actual / 14.7psi)*(528°R / T actual)

Pressure Conversion

Fill in one value to calculate the other.
PSI = Bar * 14.504
Bar = PSI / 14.504

Mass Flow to volume Metric Flow

Fill in one value to calculate the other two
kg/h = Kilogram Per Hour (lb/min multiply by 27.216)
Lbs/min = Pounds per minute (kg/h divide by 27.216)
SCFM = Standard cubic feet per minute

Power Flow Rate Temp Calculator

Calculate the electrical power, flow rate or temperature requirement.
airflow in standard cubic feet per minute
temperature rise in degrees F from the inlet to the exhaust
Watts = SCFM x ΔT/2.5

Temperature Conversion Calculator

Calculate the electrical power, flow rate or temperature requirement.
°C = ((( °F - 32) * 5 ) / 9)
°F = ((( °C * 9) / 5 ) + 32)

Three-Phase Unit Calculator

Fill in two values to find the 3rd.
W = LC * (V * √2)
V = (W / LC) / √2
LC = W / (V * √2)

Single Phase Unit Calculator

Fill in two values to find the 3rd.
W = LC * V
V = LC * W
LC = W / V

Ohms Law Calculator

Fill in two values to find the other two.

O = V / A

O = V² / W

O = W / A²

V = A * O = A * (V/A)

V = √(W * O)

V = W / A

A = V / O

A = W/ V

A = √(W / O)

W = A * V

W = V² / O

W = A² * O

Heat Transfer Through Convection Calculator

ρ = density (lb/ft3)

V = volume flow rate (ft3/hour)

Cp = specific heat (Btu/lb°F)

Ta-Tb = temperature differential (°F)

Q = ρ x V x Cp x (Ta-Tb)

Fill in four values

ρ = density (lb/ft3)
V = volume flow rate (ft3/hour)
Cp = specific heat (Btu/lb°F)
Ta-Tb = TD (°F)
Q = ρ x V x Cp x (Ta-Tb)


ACFM = airflow in actual cubic feet per minute

P = gage pressure (psi)

T = gas temperature °R = 460 + °F

SCFM = airflow in standard cubic feet per minute

Find Standard Cubic Feet per Minute based on data from your Actual Cubic Feet per Minute Rotameter

airflow in actual cubic feet per minute
gage pressure (psi)
gas temperature °R = 460 + °F
airflow in standard cubic feet per minute

Standard Flow Rate (SCFM) Calculator

Calculate the SCFM.
Actual cubic feet per minute
Actual pounds per square inch at Gauge
Actual temperature in °F. °R = 460 + °F
CFM * (PSI actual / 14.7psi)*(528°R / T actual)

Pressure Conversion

Fill in one value to calculate the other.
PSI = Bar * 14.504
Bar = PSI / 14.504

Mass Flow to volume Metric Flow

Fill in one value to calculate the other two
Kg/h = Kilogram Per Hour (lb/min multiply by 27.216)
Lbs/min = Pounds per minute (kg/h divide by 27.216)
SCFM = Standard cubic feet per minute