704-399-4248 sales@sethermal.com


Cost Effective Solutions Versus other Vessel Jacket Options

Integral tank jackets are an easy and cost-effective way to enhance any new vessel construction. When ordering vessel components with the surface pre-installed, you can significantly reduce your tank fabrication time, while saving money in comparison to using preformed dimple style jackets.

All jackets are designed and manufactured to optimize both thermal efficiency and process durability. Backed by decades of experience, we are equipped to help you with a complete evaluation of your application needs from storage tanks, processors, to reactors.


By using heat transfer surfaces in your new vertical tank construction, you can optimize the overall vessel jacket arrangement and nozzle placement, while validating essential performance parameters such as pressured drop, venting, and flow velocities. 

Common Applications:

  • Heat or cooled process mix tanks
  • Refrigerated silos
  • Fermentation and reaction tanks
  • Reactor vessels
  • Storage tanks
Tank heat exchanger
Horizontal Tank Jacket


The heat transfer surfaces can be configured in a large variety of sizes and configurations. Individual jacket sections can be up to 78-3/4″ (2m) wide to 480″ (12m) long. This is convenient for allowing continuous jacket sections on larger vessels.

Common Applications:

  • Heat or cooled tanks
  • Refrigerated tanks
  • Storage tanks


Another great advantage of surfaces is that the jackets are welded in the flat position, then formed to the desired shaping, and finally dimpled by inflation to the optimal pillow height. This process allows design features which are either unobtainable or very laborious with pre-formed jacket products.

Common Applications:

  • Jacketed totes
  • Solids hoppers and shuts
  • Flat sided tanks
  • Open top rectangular vessels
Flat Sided tank jacket
Curved plate jacket


All surfaces are CNC welded from programs generated directly from our precision CAD drawings, this ensures every part is built to exact dimensions and welding parameters. Our automated welding processes allows us full design freedom to optimize our jackets for very complex arrangements and operational conditions.

Common Arrangements:

  • Rolled barrels or tank shells
  • Dished or conical heads
  • Flat heads and end plates
  • U troughs 


Surfaces can be provided in many different configurations to suit your application needs. Our engineers will help you optimize any design for the service they are specified for, including steam, thermal fluids, and refrigerants.

Surfaces available with ASME, PED, or CRN certifications.

Not sure how much surface you need for your application?

Immersion Plate Type 9


Power Flow Rate Temp Calculator

Calculate the electrical power, flow rate or temperature requirement.
airflow in standard cubic feet per minute
temperature rise in degrees F from the inlet to the exhaust
Watts = SCFM x ΔT/2.5

Temperature Conversion Calculator

Calculate the electrical power, flow rate or temperature requirement.
°F = ((( °C * 9) / 5 ) + 32)
°C = ((( °F - 32) * 5 ) / 9)

Three-Phase Unit Calculator

Fill in two values to find the 3rd.
W = LC * (V * √2)
V = (W / LC) / √2
LC = W / (V * √2)

Single Phase Unit Calculator

Fill in two values to find the 3rd.
W = LC * V
V = LC * W
LC = W / V

Ohms Law Calculator

Fill in two values to find the other two.

O = V / A

O = V² / W

O = W / A²

V = A * O = A * (V/A)

V = √(W * O)

V = W / A

A = V / O

A = W/ V

A = √(W / O)

W = A * V

W = V² / O

W = A² * O

Heat Transfer Through Convection Calculator

ρ = density (lb/ft3)

V = volume flow rate (ft3/hour)

Cp = specific heat (Btu/lb°F)

Ta-Tb = temperature differential (°F)

Q = ρ x V x Cp x (Ta-Tb)

Fill in four values

ρ = density (lb/ft3)
V = volume flow rate (ft3/hour)
Cp = specific heat (Btu/lb°F)
Ta-Tb = TD (°F)
Q = ρ x V x Cp x (Ta-Tb)


ACFM = airflow in actual cubic feet per minute

P = gage pressure (psi)

T = gas temperature °R = 460 + °F

SCFM = airflow in standard cubic feet per minute

Find Standard Cubic Feet per Minute based on data from your Actual Cubic Feet per Minute Rotameter

airflow in actual cubic feet per minute
gage pressure (psi)
gas temperature °R = 460 + °F
airflow in standard cubic feet per minute

Standard Flow Rate (SCFM) Calculator

Calculate the SCFM.
Actual cubic feet per minute
Actual pounds per square inch at Gauge
Actual temperature in °F. °R = 460 + °F
CFM * (PSI actual / 14.7psi)*(528°R / T actual)

Pressure Conversion

Fill in one value to calculate the other.
PSI = Bar * 14.504
Bar = PSI / 14.504

Mass Flow to volume Metric Flow

Fill in one value to calculate the other two
kg/h = Kilogram Per Hour (lb/min multiply by 27.216)
Lbs/min = Pounds per minute (kg/h divide by 27.216)
SCFM = Standard cubic feet per minute

Power Flow Rate Temp Calculator

Calculate the electrical power, flow rate or temperature requirement.
airflow in standard cubic feet per minute
temperature rise in degrees F from the inlet to the exhaust
Watts = SCFM x ΔT/2.5

Temperature Conversion Calculator

Calculate the electrical power, flow rate or temperature requirement.
°C = ((( °F - 32) * 5 ) / 9)
°F = ((( °C * 9) / 5 ) + 32)

Three-Phase Unit Calculator

Fill in two values to find the 3rd.
W = LC * (V * √2)
V = (W / LC) / √2
LC = W / (V * √2)

Single Phase Unit Calculator

Fill in two values to find the 3rd.
W = LC * V
V = LC * W
LC = W / V

Ohms Law Calculator

Fill in two values to find the other two.

O = V / A

O = V² / W

O = W / A²

V = A * O = A * (V/A)

V = √(W * O)

V = W / A

A = V / O

A = W/ V

A = √(W / O)

W = A * V

W = V² / O

W = A² * O

Heat Transfer Through Convection Calculator

ρ = density (lb/ft3)

V = volume flow rate (ft3/hour)

Cp = specific heat (Btu/lb°F)

Ta-Tb = temperature differential (°F)

Q = ρ x V x Cp x (Ta-Tb)

Fill in four values

ρ = density (lb/ft3)
V = volume flow rate (ft3/hour)
Cp = specific heat (Btu/lb°F)
Ta-Tb = TD (°F)
Q = ρ x V x Cp x (Ta-Tb)


ACFM = airflow in actual cubic feet per minute

P = gage pressure (psi)

T = gas temperature °R = 460 + °F

SCFM = airflow in standard cubic feet per minute

Find Standard Cubic Feet per Minute based on data from your Actual Cubic Feet per Minute Rotameter

airflow in actual cubic feet per minute
gage pressure (psi)
gas temperature °R = 460 + °F
airflow in standard cubic feet per minute

Standard Flow Rate (SCFM) Calculator

Calculate the SCFM.
Actual cubic feet per minute
Actual pounds per square inch at Gauge
Actual temperature in °F. °R = 460 + °F
CFM * (PSI actual / 14.7psi)*(528°R / T actual)

Pressure Conversion

Fill in one value to calculate the other.
PSI = Bar * 14.504
Bar = PSI / 14.504

Mass Flow to volume Metric Flow

Fill in one value to calculate the other two
Kg/h = Kilogram Per Hour (lb/min multiply by 27.216)
Lbs/min = Pounds per minute (kg/h divide by 27.216)
SCFM = Standard cubic feet per minute